Top List Building Mistakes
List building is one of the single most valuable marketing activities but unfortunately it’s also one of the things that a lot of businesses aren’t using to its fullest – or don’t know how to use.
People will invest a lot more into social media or SEO typically, despite the fact that e-mail marketing is what most bloggers and gurus say makes them the most money. The problem is, a lot of us just don’t know how to go about it. Thus they make mistakes, and thus they don’t view email marketing as such an important part of their strategy.
Here are a few things to avoid then if you want to get the most from your list building:
- Incentivizing too much – If you make too much out of your ‘incentive’ then people will sign up to your mailing list just to get ‘free stuff’. This then means they may not be particularly interested in what you’re actually saying in your messages!
- Not promoting your list enough – If you don’t tell anyone about your mailing list then you can’t expect people to sign up. You want to ensure that you mention your mailing list in the body of your text, in your videos and at every opportunity!
- Not providing value – If your mailing lists are just sales pitches then people will quickly get bored and unsubscribe from your list. Building the list in the first place is only half of the story!
- Not providing a ‘free taste’ – Your blog and your articles should essentially serve as a ‘free taster’ for the kind of value you’ll be providing within your e-mails. People have to read your content and decide they want more of that. So make sure that what you publish is also really good or you won’t get sign ups!
- Not doing any list hygiene – List hygiene is the process of removing broken emails, spam, and readers who aren’t engaged. Too many people are focussed purely on numbers and on trying to get the “biggest” list possible. Far more important than size though, is engagement. Seek to build a list filled with highly engaged readers that want to hear more from you and take the time to remove those that don’t. Otherwise, you risk your email being blacklisted.
- Not communicating – Email is a form of communication. Instead of sending out ads and infomercials, instead consider asking your audience a question once in a while. This is a fantastic way to increased engagement and trust!
Learn more about How to Build big list without breaking the bank
You will get 3 resources (PDF):
- List Building On A Budget EBook (47 pages)
- Check List (4 pages)
- Lead Magnet (10 pages)
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